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A zine "I heart Seoul" foi a primeira peça criada pelo coletivo MB, composto por Mariana Bandeira e Monalisa Borelli como lançamento do coletivo para a Feira Plana 2018, realizada entre os dias 23 e 25 de março na Cinemateca Brasileira, em São Paulo.

The zine "I heart Seoul" was the very first piece designed by MB collective, composed by Mariana Bandeira and Monalisa Borelli as its debut piece for Plana Art Fair 2018, between March 23-25 at Cinemateca Brasileira, São Paulo.

Its birth was due to the fact that the collective spent a season in South Korea, and later decided to illustrate the most iconic and memorable places during that stay.

The zine was printed in A3 size on pollen paper in risography, in cyan and magenta, by the Selva Press studio.

Printed on both sides, with isolated illustrations on the front and a map of Seoul on the back.

Its release happened after the collective spent some time in South Korea and later decided to illustrate the most iconic and memorable places during this stay.

The zine was printed in A3 paper size, risograph in cyan and magenta by Selva Press studio.
A two sided printed piece, with separated illustrations in the front and a Seoul map on the back.

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